Monday, August 6, 2012

#3 - Be in a Flash Mob!

There's not much to say about this one except that I think flash mobs might just be one of the coolest things in the entire world. I have always wanted to be a part of one.

For two weeks this summer I was involved in facilitating a professional development for about 50 DC public school teachers. We held our training at a local high school and even though school was not in session, there were several students there for various summer activities along with a handful of support staff. I am not quite sure how it all evolved, but somehow we decided that on our last day we should have a flash mob during lunch in the cafeteria. FANTASTIC! Imagine a bunch of elementary, middle, and high school teachers dancing together to "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga. Well, actually you don't have to imagine it because here it is...

Here's what I learned:

1) You can have fun without being perfect and even while looking stupid!

2) I don't have to be the best at things that I do in a group. In fact, the best thing about doing things in a group is often the simple fact that you are with other people in community.

3) Laughter truly is good medicine - you see us all laughing and smiling a lot in this video and the mood for the rest of the day for those who participated, and for those who watched, was so high.

4) Just as I learned when baking the cake - it is a wonderful thing to create!

Enjoy the video and if you need a choreographer for YOUR next flash mob - just let me know! ;)

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